Tuesday, December 30, 2008

life in the bubble

anyone looking at the old blog knows that i'm living in a bubble here in LA. my fear is that it really appears like i don't care at all about the rest of you (all 3 of you), or what's going on in the outside world. this is not the case. i love you all. this thing is great for posting some pictures, and i have definitely been carrying my camera around much more in recent months to show some interesting aspects of life in this particular bubble, but my thoughts are not stuck here. i constantly wonder what's going on wherever you are, in your bubble, and in your life. for real! i suppose i should spend some more time talking, and less time blogging though. that's a pretty easy new years resolution. have fun, and be safe.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

days off, days on...

two beautiful days off this week, and though one of them was spent shopping (ahhhh!!!), they were some of the best in recent memory. the weather was chilly, but comfortable, and my company could not have been any sweeter. i took some much cleaner sunset pictures today, but i like this one because it allows for a little imagination (it's Beth if you can't tell). sadly however, this Christmas will not be spent with family, but rather with the restaurant family. love to all

Saturday, December 20, 2008

holiday cheer

of the Christmas parties i've been to, this one was the most fun. the picture is of Beth, me, Susannah, and the dude that was talking to Susannah. i was definitely the best looking person at the party. also, i met a guy from Charlotte who went to App State, and lived in Kingswood 27. awesome.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


we went to see what all the fuss was about last night. having heard great things, it's hard not to get your hopes up that a film is going to be a winner. my hopes were not dashed upon the rocks. i loved "Slumdog Millionaire." on top of being a good story, it is funny, action packed, and directed wonderfully. also, it is mostly set in Mumbai (or Bombay, whatever you want to call it) which is interesting to see because of the recent terrorist attacks. the dance performed by the cast as the credits role was the worst part, but it made me smile anyways. anyone with access to an indie-theatre should check it out.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

here's a couple of pictures from our most recent hike. fabi, max, and madliene came along too. beth found the hungry bird at Neptune's Net

Monday, December 1, 2008


when the shuttle landed yesterday, it caused a sonic boom that i thought was an earthquake, or a car hitting our house. i didn't take this picture, but it's a good one.